
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My wife and my life

The other day I was thinking how my life is so much different because my wife Jenn is part of it. So I sat down one morning and wrote her this note. By the way, I have her permission to publish this.

"Before I do anything else I thought I would send you a note just to let you know how much you mean to me.

I was thinking about how my life is so much different since you became part of it. Not just how I now brush my teeth and hair every day. Or that my clothes actually match most of the time. Yes, you have have improved my hygiene and my style. Of course because of you the house is livable, clothes get washed, and I eat well.

You have made my life better simply by being the mother of our girls. Without you they would not exist. I don't think I have ever thanked you for that. There are also those times when you "fill in" for me in raising them. I appreciate you spending time teaching and training them.

But then there is also how you have made me a better person. I contribute my living for God to you. Without you in my life I would be heading down a completely different path. You make me complete in my ministry. Encouraging me to better myself and try harder. You reach out to people I could never reach. You help those I would not even know where to start to help. You bring a great sense of peace to my life, your presence gives me the strength to push on when it seems life is stacked against me.

So I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for all you have added to my life. I love you."


Jenn said...

you are so thoughtful...thank you. there's no one i'd rather be on this journey than with you, but you already know that. thanks for choosing me. oh yeah, and thanks even more for keeping your teeth brushed everyday! :)